Learn to combine the ingredients for a better taste. Pumpkin recipes on raw.

Besides of being very healthy and a great helper in weight management, pumpkin tastes delicious too in any salad.
But let’s see which are the best combinations to try for food experimenters and not only.
Pumpkin Seed with Garlic and Basil
1 cup soaked pumpkin seeds
2 cups soaked sunflower seeds
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tbsp oregano
1 tbsp ginger
¼ chopped fresh basil
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and add water to cover them. Blend until creamy. Squeeze the liquid and use it in salads. Use the solid part for stuffing celery or spreading on crackers. It tastes great with mushrooms.
Pumpkin Drink
1 small pumpkin,juice ½ cup filtered water ¼ tbsp cinnamon ¼ tbsp ginger 1 tbsp raw honey
Extract the juice from one pumpkin and pour it into a blender. Add spices and honey. Dilute with water and serve immediately.
Pumpkin Soup with Apples
2 cups cubed pumpkin
2 cored and cubed green apples
4 tbsp coconut water
½ chopped onion
1 clove crushed garlic
2 tbsp raw tahini Thyme Sea salt Curcuma
Combine all the ingredients in a high power blender and process until smooth. You may add a few drops of lemon juice as apples may change color into brownish. Serve immediately.
Pumpkin Pie
It’s a little bit complicated compared to previous recipes but the taste deserves the efforts
1st part
2 cups almonds
½ cups pitted and soaked dates
¼ tbsp cinnamon
Combine almonds in a food processor but don’t over-process because you’ll end up with almond butter. Add dates and process them. Grease a ceramic pie plate with coconut butter; place and press the obtained mixture into it. Put it in the freezer while you prepare the filling.
2nd part
2 cups cubed pumpkin
1 young coconut meat
½ cup soaked walnuts
½ cup soaked dates
½ cup soaked almonds
½ tbsp ginger
½ tbsp ground cloves
¼ tbsp nutmeg 1 tbsp cinnamon
Preparation Mix coconut water and pumpkin in a food processor until smooth paste. Add the rest of the ingredients and process again until smooth. Pour the mixture on top of the 1st part. Chill the pie before serving.
Another Great Pumpkin Recipe
Pumpkin Milk or yogurt Cinnamon Brown sugar Nutmeg Ice cubes
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy your smoothie.
Use only pumpkins with sweet pulp. Halloween pumpkins aren’t the best choice for recipes.
Don’t forget that food is raw and live when it’s fresh and eaten at once. Don’t let salads stay for days in your fridge.
More helpful information
Raw Food Products You Didn’t Know Are Edible http://eatingrawfood.org/edible-raw
Storage Tips to Keep Raw Products at Their Maximum Freshness http://eatingrawfood.org/storing-rules