How to maintain or achieve a good looking skin just by eating?

Who doesn’t want to look young and fresh and who doesn’t want to have a younger skin and preserve good health as long as it would be possible?
Of course everyone wants that and here is a list of products that would give a young glow to your skin and strong health to your body.
Let’s start with apples because even the old proverb says ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. But how an apple a day could bring so many benefits? Quercitin the antioxidant containing in the peel of many varieties of apples provides a strong protection from UVB rays that triggers skin cancer.
So if you’re considering to spend time in the sun, first eat an apple then apply sunscreen.
Studies demonstrate that eating two or more apples a week for 1 year period, reduced the risk of dying from heart disease by 15%. The study was carried on 34,000 healthy post menopausal women and I think the result speaks for itself.
Whatever variety you like or choose, be sure to eat the peel which is the source of nearly all the antioxidants. Be sure to choose organically grown apples that haven’t been treated or sprayed with substances or covered with wax.
Besides of being delicious, strawberries have a big amount of vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant that boosts collagen production that helps skin to look smoother and firmer.
Vitamin C helps prevent the apparition of fine lines so women with lower intake of this vitamin are more prone to have dry and wrinkled skin.
Ellagic acid that is in abundance in strawberries protects the elastic fibers that keep the skin from dropping. I like to say that it’s an acid that fights gravity. Besides from being a useful product for the skin, it’s also great for your health and recent studies show strawberries to lower the risks of cancer apparition by inhibiting the development of malignant cells. So, don’t skip these amazing berries although you’re allergic to them.
Health Benefits of Strawberries and Their Healing Properties
Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries
Strawberries for a healthy glowing skin. Strawberry face mask
Why to choose eating eggs if they are known to raise cholesterol levels? Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants found in eggs that have demonstrated protection against the UV damage. Eating them raw brings the best benefits but it’s important to choose organic or farm eggs. After introducing them in your diet, skin becomes apparently softer, firmer and better hydrated. Eating just one egg a day you increase levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in your blood. According to a study these two antioxidants may help fight and staving off macular degeneration.
Studies show that tomatoes help increase collagen levels and protect from sunburn. High levels of antioxidant lycopene help lower chances of heart disease and have a big impact on skin looking: it would make skin look better by diminishing the appearance of fine lines and furrows.
Of course many of you are eating these products every day or try to include them in your daily menu, but it’s sometimes useful to read and remember that some of them aren’t just delicious but also useful for your skin looking and overall health.
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