We all can theorize about raw food, healthy menus, balanced diet; we can share our or others experience, we can share our opinions and more but what do science and recent studies say about that?
Raw vs. Cooked in Studies
What do researchers say about raw food? Interesting studies comparing raw and cooked food.
British Journal of Psychiatry published that people who have a diet heavy in processed food, had almost 60% higher risk of developing a depression.
A study carried in Lund University, Dalby, Sweden has shown that microwave cooked food increase insulin and glucose levels, lowers satiety versus raw food.
A study has shown that raw broccoli results in faster absorption, higher peak plasma amounts of sulforaphane (a molecule with anti-cancer and antimicrobial properties), and higher bioavailability compared to the cooked broccoli.
Another study with the same object – broccoli, showed approximately three times greater bioavailability of isothiocyanates (antitumor properties) in fresh broccoli compared to the cooked broccoli.
A study held at the University of Basel, Switzerland showed raw milk properties in fighting asthma, hay fever and allergies compared to boiled milk.
More Information and facts
Cooked Food – Linked to Every Disease http://eatingrawfood.org/cooked-food-linked-to-every-disease
Living vs. Cooked Food http://eatingrawfood.org/raw-vs-cookedfood