Raw Plums Help Fight Diseases and Slow Aging Process
There are so many varieties of plums (Prunus domestica) and all of them are tasty and juicy. Plums are generally classified into six categories. They can be red, purple, green, yellow, amber, blue-black, while their flesh may be yellow, pink, orange or green. Dried plums become a super tasty fruit we call prunes.
What is so special about plums? Besides being a delicious fruit, plums are considered to be a super fruit that can help prevent age-related macular degeneration, protect from several types of cancers and inflammation.
But let’s see the detailed information about their benefits:
• Are considered to be very good for those suffering from atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.
• Are rich in easy to digest fiber.
• May help reduce wrinkles.
• Are rich in Vitamin C (natural antioxidant) helping though against harmful bacteria and boosting the immune system, against inflammation and harmful free radicals.
• Help with constipation problems thanks to diphenylisation. Even that prunes are more efficient in helping with constipation, plums are also great.
• Fiber, sorbitol, and isatin containing in them, are known to help regulate the functioning of the digestive system.
• Contain Ferulic acid – the acid that can prevent or reduce the risk of colon cancer.
• Contain hydroxycinnamate – antioxidant that lower cholesterol levels and protect against heart attacks.
• Can overcome breast and colon cancer because of their unique anticancer agents neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid – substances that are proven to kill malignant cancer cells.
• Contain boron – a mineral that helps in calcium absorption.
• Contain lutein, Cryptoxanthin and zea-xanthin – powerful polyphenolic antioxidants. Zea-xanthine provide antioxidant and protective UV light-filtering functions.
• Are rich in minerals like iron, potassium and fluoride –everyone of them is responsible for the circulatory system.
• Contain Vitamin K that, along with other benefits, help reduce Alzheimer’s disease.
• Boost bone health
• Improve memory. Eating several plums or 3 prunes a day, can help neutralize cell-damaging free radicals that affect the memory.
How to pick and store?
• Being available year round, plums are at their best between May to September.
• Avoid excessively soft, with cuts or bruises.
• Hard, mature plums can be kept at room temperature until they ripen. Place them in the refrigerator if ripen and bring to room temperature before eating them in order to enjoy their rich taste.
• Prunes can be stored at room temperature for a few days.
Consult Storage Tips to Keep Raw Products at Their Maximum Freshness
How to enjoy?
• Wash plums in cold water before eating them.
• Eat them with the skin because it not only provides good fiber content but also contains antioxidant pigments.
• For sensitive teeth peel off the rind.
• Plum slices taste great in salads.
! Plums contain oxalic acid that may crystallize as oxalate stones in the urinary tract in some cases that’s why people with known oxalate urinary tract stones are advised to avoid eating these fruits or taking adequate amount of water.
Enjoy every day of the summer, carefully choose your food and stay healthy!