Combing well raw food – the best you can give to your body.
Do you think food combining rules aren’t for you, that your stomach digests everything, in any combination, in any quantity?
Then you may pass on this article and continue eating as you were used to. For those who are feeling discomfort just after eating, who feel acid reflux, have gas etc, it would be interesting and useful to learn how to combine food products in a way your body would accept it.
1. FRUITS do not combine with PROTEINS
Fruits are absorbed directly into the intestines while protein requires more time for being digested in stomach. If the sugars remain in stomach together with proteins, the food will rot.
But there’s an exception to the rule: avocados combine well with acid and sub acid fruits; raw and soaked seeds and nuts prolong the protein digestive gastric juices.
2. FRUITS do not combine with VEGETABLES
You shouldn’t compromise. It’s about your health that is your greatest treasure. When you’re healthy, you can say you’re rich.
It’s essential to remember that while vegetables are ‘builders’, fruits are ’cleansers’. Don’t ever combine them. An exception to the rule is tomatoes which are considered to be fruits. Apples and papayas can be also combined with vegetables.
3. MELONS should be eaten alone
Melons don’t combine with other food product, that’s why you should chose to eat them alone. Along with other food they will rot in the stomach.
4. FRUITS do not combine with STARCHES
Fruits don’t require much time to be digested in the stomach while starches need more time for being digested. Starch is the only food that begins to digest in the mouth. Fruit sugars are quickly absorbed in the intestines while starches need more time. Fruits and starches if combined will always be a problem for the digestion.
5. PROTEINS do not combine with STARCHES
This eating habit is considered being the worst. Proteins and starches will never digest if they are combined. You may forget about hamburgers, sandwiches, macaroni and cheese and hot-dogs. Proteins and starch neutralize each other and there’s no digestion in result. If it doesn’t digest the only result is rotting in your stomach. In result you’ll have acid reflux, gas and other symptoms. Soaked grains, sprouts and nuts can be combined with leafy greens. The only exception is once again, avocados which combine well with all starchy vegetables and grains.
Vegetables can be combined with grains.
7. Any ACID FRUIT would combine with SWEET FRUITS.
And there aren’t exceptions to the rule. It’s advisable, even fruits to be eaten alone however there are exceptions like apples and oranges that can be eaten together. Bananas instead, should be eaten alone.
8. DESERTS should be eaten alone
When you combine sweets, even fruits, after a meal, the only result is food rotting in your stomach. It’s the reason for that smelling gas that isn’t normality.
Be wise and combine properly food products for a better digestion and health. Even if you choose natural and organic foods, they will rot in your stomach if not combined properly.
Eat well while combining well raw food products and stay healthy.