How to Start a Raw Food Diet
Common questions and worries about raw food diet
Raw foodism is the oldest diet in the world however its simplicity needs to be explained. We’re used to our diet from the time we were born and most of us, due to some psychological mechanisms, are very conservative when it comes to changing the lifestyle. Why lifestyle? Because raw food isn’t only a diet, it’s a lifestyle. When you come to the idea that you need a change in your life you’re already doing the first step. If you’re interested in reading this article you’re on your way to a change. Maybe it wouldn’t be tomorrow or the next week but surely it would have an impact on you. I hope so.
Is raw food diet expensive?
One of the most asked questions (first being Is raw food safe?) about raw food is about costs.
So, is it expensive? If you care about your health you’ll try to choose the best products. If you don’t, what would be the purpose of an all natural diet if you pick the first fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds in the supermarket? Surely it can be expensive to buy organic fresh food but there are a lot of other sources like growing sprouts or greens. So, don’t make money an excuse. Raw food diet isn’t more expensive than other diets. You just have to buy a fruit instead of a soda.
Nutrients deficiency
All diets imply nutrients deficiency. If consuming a full value diet you won’t be deficient in nutrients especially if you take some good quality supplements. The hot topic on nutrients deficiency in raw-fooding is lack of vitamin B12 and of proteins. That’s total nonsense. Cows are herbivore and don’t feel any deficiency even if they’re eating grass only. Human organism can draw nutrients from natural food easier and more efficient than from processed food. The final argument is that there are a lot of healthy raw-foodists that are healthy and don’t even catch a cold. That’s because their diet is balanced and contain all the nutrients a human body needs.
Who can’t go on a raw food diet?
Women in their fist semester of pregnancy, those with acute pancreatitis and young children can’t pass suddenly on a raw food diet without negative consequences. But our bodies are different and we all have different ability to perceive changes. The above categories should introduce the new diet step-by-step going on a high-raw diet first.
Special equipment
You don’t need one if you don’t want. Dehydrators, juicers, good knives will wait for better times if you’re short of money. All this equipment will help you of course and will save time but there is time for all these.
Do I need special training?
You don’t need any training except some essential information. You’ll have to learn:
1. How to pick fresh products
2. What products not to buy
3. How to make your own sprouts
4. What are super-food products
5. How to properly combine food products.
But all these come with the practice. You won’t notice when you become an expert in raw food, invent your own recipes and flutter like a butterfly in your own kitchen.
How to start a raw food diet?
First of all don’t start it suddenly in one day. A sudden change would be a stress for your body.
Change one meal at a time. Change your breakfast eating fruits and drinking juices. You may have a plate of muesli with nut milk.
The most important is not to skip breakfast. Remember that this meal is the most important part of your daily menu. Then you can change your lunch, your snacks and then your supper.
It would be easier if you have a recipe book. You could do one of your own. Select some great recipes and print them or you can buy one.
Remember that dried fruits and nuts are great snacks.
Remember to be enough motivated when starting a new diet although it would turn into a big disappointment if your only aim is to lose weight in a week.
Remember that losing weight is only a ‘side effect’ of raw diet. With a proper nutrition and exercise your body will be healthy and toned.
Remember that exercising is a must. That way you will help your body to get rid of toxins faster.
Stay healthy!