Detoxifying Effects of Raw Beetroot

You’re probably familiar with beetroot in other form than raw and may never have thought that it can be eaten raw. Actually the most benefits of this vegetable are preserved only in its raw form.
What it tastes like? It has a sweet flavor and a fresh and crisp texture similar to that of carrots. Beetroot greens can be added to salads or smoothies but I prefer beetroot to greens. I have also a favorite salad with beetroot and I’m trying to prepare it as often as I can.
Detoxifying properties
Chlorine and sulphur containing in beetroot make it a valuable product for cleansing and detox, especially for lymphatic system. It’s also full of vitamin C, copper, folate, manganese, sodium, and potassium. It’s an old remedy for menstrual problems and is used for improving digestion and kidneys cleansing.
Choosing and storing
Choose only organically grown beetroots because it’s one of the vegetables that tend to absorb a lot of chemical substances that soil is treated with, Pick only smooth, round and firm to the touch roots. Small and medium sized beetroots are tender than bigger ones. They can be stored in the refrigerator up to a week.
How to prepare?
Use a vegetable peeler and wear gloves unless you want to brush off your nails from stains for several days. For stain removal use lemon juice and it’s valuable for nails too. I personally don’t use gloves and wash my hands immediately after cutting or grating it and then use a lemon to remove the stains. Depending on the recipe you’re using, the beetroot would be peeled, sliced, chopped or grated.
It tastes delicious in combination with apples, lettuce, cheese, lemon juice, tomatoes and cucumber.
My favorite beetroot salad. I think it’s of a French origin but I changed it a little.
1 raw beetroot, thinly grated
6 prunes, soaked, sliced or 6 plums, sliced
1 small apple, grated
1 tbsp olive oil
6 walnuts, soaked
4 garlic cloves, pressed
Few drops of lemon juice
Cayenne pepper
Combine all the ingredients and serve immediately or put it in the fridge.
Beetroot is an amazing vegetable and it’s a natural source of vitamins and minerals and the most important is that eating it gives you the benefits of a natural body detox.
Recommended Reading:
Detoxifying Raw Sauces for Salads. Part I
Detoxifying Raw Salad Dressings. Part II
The Raw Food Diet Can Facilitate Effective Detoxification
Ten Important Issues to Overcome in a Raw Food Diet
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