Almost all of us are eating food that we used to and rarely we add some new products to our menu.
Sometimes it’s not because our conservativeness spirit but because we simply don’t know all the products we can eat.
Here are some products that you may see everyday without knowing they’re edible:
Fennel leaves. Fronds have a licorice flavor and it’s milder than the fennel bulb. Just add chopped fennel fronds to your salad especially to those that have nuts as ingredient.
Radish greens. If you find radishes with the leaves still attached enjoy their peppery flavor in your salads.
Beet greens. You may already have heard about or ate beet greens. There are people who prefer greens to root as the flavor tends to be milder than the beet itself. Try to add some chopped garlic and little olive oil to your beet greens and you’ll taste something really delicious.
Turnip greens have a strong bitter flavor similar to mustard greens. Chose small turnip greens because they tend to be milder. Add them to your salads.
Spring onions tops have a lovely mild onion flavor and can be added to any salad.
Some flowers. Not every flower is edible because some are poisonous and they look great in salads or used as garnish on the plate. Use fennel flower, roses, Marigold, violets and pansies, Nasturiums and squash blossoms. Chose the flowers at the grocery store not the florist because they might be loaded with pesticides.
Dandelion Greens. They look great not only in nature, but also in salads. They tend to be bitter that’s why you’ll have to mix them with vegetables and other greens. Although the dandelions growing wild are safe for eating, you may choose those that were grown to be eaten.
AVOID eating:
Potato leaves. They contain high levels of solanine (a poisonous substance) which can cause headaches, nausea and more. Potatoes turn green when they are exposed to light and are also poisonous.
Rhubarb leaves. Contain oxalic acid and may contain other poisons. If ingested may cause many symptoms such as difficulty to breath, coma or even death.
More to Read
Here are some tips on how to choose your food products
Food Preferred by Raw Food Diet Followers
Raw Recipes for the Whole Family
Read in the next post about edible flowers and the way you can mix them in your food.