Sprouts are such a glorious food source. Even the word, sprout has a happy sound, a nice vibration. Now, a little about why sprouts are just so good for you. There are acid forming foods and there are alkaline forming foods. As we’ve learned, our bodies need to maintain an alkaline state to remain healthy. Healthy blood remains at 7.4 on the pH scale (Power of Hydrogen, or Perfect Harmony) and that makes for healthy, happy cells that are capable of receiving essential nutrients and oxygen. An acid state in the body deprives the cells of vital nutrients and oxygen caused by fluids and toxins surrounding the cells. This is the cause of all pain and disease. Sprouts are nature’s wonder food; they are alkaline rich and are the most nutrient dense food we can eat. They have been acclaimed as the fountain of youth and adding sprouts to your diet would be most beneficial.
Our bodies need enzymes. Every living thing needs enzymes to function. They are biological catalysts that can begin or cause an activity to speed up. Enzymes are absolutely vital for life. When we are low on enzymes, our entire health and well-being are jeopardized. Enzymes come in three classes: metabolic, digestive and food. Metabolic enzymes regulate our body by utilizing proteins, fats and carbohydrates and repair the body. Digestive enzymes aid the digestive process and assimilate protein, fats and carbohydrates and food enzymes are necessary considering our body has a limited capacity to produce enzymes. When you don’t get enough enzymes, it causes your metabolism to slow down, making the body age faster and more susceptible to diseases so therefore, it’s important to replace the enzymes through proper food consumption.
All living, raw foods contain enzymes and sprouts can contain up to 100 times more than raw fruits and vegetables. (This does depend upon the variety of seed sprouted and the particular enzyme) It just makes sense to include sprouts into your daily diet to maintain a healthy body.
To get the most benefits of sprouts, you should eat them during the highest enzyme activity, which is generally between 2 to 7 days of sprouting. Sprouts are easily digested; they don’t overload your system and are protein enhancers because they help digest other foods eaten. Also, our body has the capacity of storing the enzymes so it’s like putting money in the bank of good health and vitality, and who doesn’t want to be healthy, wealthy and wise?