Eating raw had become a very popular tendency lately for its visible benefits on overall health.

Tends in eating have always kept changing all over the world across the ages. The food, which consisted mainly of natural products – berries, fruits, nuts, seeds – since the beginning of time began to get more and more complicated as the world progressed.
Packaged food became both convenient and easy. But like all trends, this trend in food history has also shown a tendency of going back to its roots.
Raw food is once again becoming popular among the masses and raw food theorists and the diets they prescribe have speedily caught on with the common people.
Before moving on it is essential to address the important question of what a raw food diet entails or consists of. Raw food, as the name suggests, is any food item in its natural form and eaten uncooked.
As is common knowledge many nutrients get destroyed on heating food over a 118 degree Fahrenheit. Raw foods are those which have not under gone any kind of processing in terms of additives, heating, preservatives, salt, sugar or colorings.
Anything, therefore, that is bought from the stores or a supermarket is, as a rule, processed and hence, does not fall under the raw food category.
Yes, even the food grains – rice, gram, beans – are processed before being taken to the markets. Because of minimal or no processing the enzymes in the foods are still active which play several important functions in the upkeep of the human body. It is for this reason that raw food is also called ‘live’ food because of the live nature of its enzymes.
The reason why the raw food diet is rapidly catching up with the people is obviously because of the wide range of benefits they have to offer.
Some of them are enumerated as follows:
• It is easy for the body to absorb natural foods than the processed ones that are laced with all sorts of chemicals that could be dangerous for the human system.
• Because raw food is food in its basic form, the body does not need to expend energy on breaking it up further. This energy saved can thus be utilized in cleansing and detoxifying the system.
• Another attraction for raw food lies in the fact that it help in weight reduction.
• It is also true that raw foods help in fighting diseases like cancer.
• Raw food is environment friendly as no energy is used to cook or consume food and it is biodegradable enough to be disposed without posing environmental threat.
Being on raw food and choosing this kind of lifestyle is a big step and it shouldn’t be taken only because you’ve heard a lot about it. Try it for yourself but don’t forget to listen to your own body.
More Information and Facts
Eating Raw Foods is More of a Lifestyle Than a Diet
Why Live Food can be the Best Choice?
Health Benefits of Raw Food Diet
Reasons to choose the raw food diet when comparing with other diets
Here are some positives of eating this way
How to Correctly Transitioning to Raw Food Diet
What Can You Eat On a Raw Food Diet?
How to Initiate Children into Raw Food Diet
The Raw Food Diet Can Facilitate Effective Detoxification